Tuesday 9 April 2013

Stage 2 Initial Research

For my proposed stage 2 project, I decided that playing to my strengths and creating something with a narrative would be the most enjoyable and yield the best results from my style. Here are a few influences that initially inspire my creative process for my zine.

Childrens Animated Films - Disney Pixar, Dreamworks

The stylisation of characters in the animated films by Pixar is something that i would like to capture in my own short narrative. This is a style that appeals to a broad audience by being accessible and understandable. I also find that artwork done in this style comes to life for the viewer, where we are so used to seeing this kind of imagery in motion that our brains can bring it to life by filling in the gaps, especially in a narrative structure.

In sequential image making I had a chance to begin to explore this area with my rocket ship spread.

I would like to try and push this further by using a more thoroughly rendered style, without outlines and also trying to capture a similarly strong narrative by minimal use of speech. The Pixar-esque cartoon style would allow me to capitalise on exaggerated proportions and facial expressions to tell the story more easily by use of images alone. 

This short film from Pixar is a very heart warming example of how a powerful story can be told through use of symbols and expressions. Where I am producing work for the kV series brief, it is also a good point of reference for working in black and white.

Rafael Nascimento

A highly rendered cartoon style can be found in the work of Rafael Nascimento. It can be seen in his work how, expression can be exaggerated to create a clear communication of emotion. In his work, a sense of humor is also achieved through the exaggerated feature in his characters. Humor is a very broadly appealing communicator, which many people enjoy and appreciate.

David Smit

This piece by David Smit gives me a lot of ideas of how I would like to explore the theme of everyday objects. In this image the character is given a stronger back story where he has old recyclables as 'armor'. This communicates alot to the viewer without words, it shows his childlike misunderstanding of an alien invasion, his imagination and his sense of misinformed chivalry.

Haunted house imagery

Images collected from google, general thematic haunted house imagery to inform my theme.

These images of haunted houses show just how cliche this theme can be. I want to avoid the horrible, Halloween feel that these create and do something that is more foreboding and mysterious.

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